The Bully Pulpit

Now that President Obama has announced public support for gay marriage, and the political pundits are arguing over what effect it will have on the election this fall, there’s the other side of the coin to consider — Mitt Romney’s renewed opposition. I’d like to see a member of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group […]

Traditional Marriage, Mormon Edition

Mitt Romney’s disapproval of gay marriage is based fervently in his religion, which is odd considering that the definition of acceptable marriage has changed so often in Mormon history. For most of the 19th century, they didn’t limit marriage to one man and one woman, but rather to one man and as many women as […]

Which Side Of History?

Jon Sinton, who I worked with 3 decades ago when he was starting out as a radio consultant, long before he created Air America and other businesses that promote the progressive viewpoint, has written a piece asking which side of history you want to be on: I want to be on the side of the […]