How To Break A Terrorist

How To Break A Terrorist

In the debate over using torture in interrogating detainees in Iraq and at Guantanamo, we’ve heard from a lot of armchair quarterbacks — pundits who have never interrogated anyone, but think they know which techniques would be most effective in eliciting information from a prisoner. None of them has had the experience of Matthew Alexander, […]

Airport Security

If you think the extra layers of security at the airport are really making you safer, think again. Jeffrey Goldberg has a chilling story in The Atlantic of how airport security in America is a sham. He says it’s “security theater designed to make travelers feel better and catch stupid terrorists, but smart ones can […]

Bob Woodward

This morning on WLS/Chicago, I talked with Bob Woodward about the financial crisis, the presidential campaign, and his fourth book about the Bush administration and the conflict in Iraq, “The War Within: A Secret White House History.” Listen, then click here to subscribe to these podcasts via iTunes!

Joe Biden By The Book

A year ago, Joe Biden was on my show to talk about his book, “Promises To Keep.” It wasn’t a best-seller then, but his elevation to vice-presidential candidate has put it near the top of the sales lists, and with renewed interest in him, here’s that interview. We didn’t talk much about the book, instead […]

Flying Without A Wallet

Will the TSA let you on an airplane if you don’t produce identification? This woman managed to get on board in Boston — one of the airports the 9/11 hijackers used — and blogs about her experience.

Your Tax Dollars In Action

You paid for a $40 million prison in Iraq that has no prisoners, and never will. It’s part of the more than $4 BILLION that’s been wasted on construction projects, thanks to misguided planning and short cuts, according to Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Regardless of what you think about the […]