Mike Shiley, “Inside Iraq”

This afternoon on my show, Mike Shiley talked about his movie, “Inside Iraq: The Untold Stories,” in which he made a press pass at Kinko’s, cashed in his frequent flyer miles, and went to Iraq with a digital camera to capture what life is really like there during the war. He told remarkable stories about […]

Hans Blix

Hans Blix, the former chief UN weapons inspector, was on my show today to talk about dealing with Iran and North Korea when it comes to nuclear weapons. I asked Blix about new revelations that the Bush administration may have inflated claims about North Korea’s ability to enrich uranium over the last five years, and […]

Is Terrorism Threat Overblown?

Today on my show, I talked to John Mueller about his book “Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them.” Mueller says even the FBI admits there are no Al Qaeda sleeper cells in the US, and that the fact that we haven’t had another attack as […]

Walter Reed Whitewash

Dana Milbank has a terrific column in today’s Washington Post about the whitewash going on at Walter Reed after the newspaper’s expose by Dana Priest and Anne Hull of nightmarish conditions in at least one of the facilities housing wounded soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army, embarrassed, apparently rushed in some […]

Paul Reickhoff on the Walter Reed Scandal

In discussing the scandalous story of nightmarish conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center on my show today, I called upon Paul Reickhoff again. He’s the outspoken director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, which has been pushing a legislative agenda on Capitol Hill on issues just like this. He called for a congressional […]

Support The Troops, Until They’re Home

For those who have been screaming “support the trooops” as a pejorative against those who were against the war in Iraq, the response has always been to ask how well we support our men and women in uniform once they have returned home — particularly those who don’t come home in one piece. The unequivocal […]