I’ve made a few minor changes to this blog:
- Easier navigation. Updates on where I’ll be on the radio next are always in the upper right-hand corner, and links to the most popular parts of this site are now at the top. You can sign up for my newsletter quickly using the box on the right.
- No more ads. I couldn’t control the ads Google placed on this site, and found recently that there were too many products I was embarrassed to be associated with, even at arm’s length.
- No more Twitter feed redundancy. I’d love to have you follow me on Twitter, but it seemed redundant to have my Tweets appear here, too.
- No more comments. In the last few months, I’ve been inundated with comment spam and many submissions I had to moderate out of existence. You’re still welcome to e-mail me — that’s how most of you stay in touch with me anyway — and I might post some of those.