An update on the Anheuser-Busch sign controversy, which was started by Jeff Mild, one of my listeners. He contended that the sign (which has been next to Highway 40 since 1962) was wrong because it had the eagle flying backwards. Several others listeners chimed in and agreed.
After considering the visual evidence and hearing Jeff make his case on my show two weeks ago, I received the following statement today from Tony Ponturo, VP Global Media and Sports Marketing for Anheuser-Busch:
“We recently inspected the Highway 40 ‘A and Eagle’ neon sign and learned that a short circuit in some electrical wiring had caused the eagle’s flight to change in appearance. We immediately fixed it, and the sign once again accurately depicts and eagle’s flight.
We appreciate you and your listeners for bringing this to our attention, and we hope St. Louisans and visitors to our community continue to enjoy this St. Louis landmark.”
Case closed, with credit once again to Jeff for noticing it and bringing it to my attention.