Thanks to several listeners and readers who wrote to say how upset they were to hear Gary Glitter’s “Rock & Roll Part 2” (a/k/a “The Hey Song”) at the Fair St. Louis fireworks this weekend. How many more times do I have to repeat my requests to stop playing that song anywhere in public, now that Glitter is doing time in a Vietnamese prison for sexually abusing two young girls (10 and 11)?
The song has been banned by the NFL for all of its stadiums beginning this fall, which is a start, but no other league or major events have jumped on the bandwagon. What’s so hard about saying “we won’t pay royalties to a pedophile anymore”?
BTW, I hear that the St. Louis Cardinals still play it over the PA during their games. Mark Lamping, do the right thing and announce that you’re banning it from the new ballpark, and do it soon!