When I got the notification on my phone in a headline saying all the money Biden’s campaign had raised could very easily be transferred to Harris, my first thought was, “Does Joe have my address?”

Biden did the right thing in ending his candidacy and throwing his support behind Harris as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. Now he can be honored with a last hurrah at the party’s convention next month — a celebration not just of what he achieved as President, but over his five decades in Washington.

Meanwhile, with him off the ballot, every “too old, not mentally fit to be President” argument can be applied to Trump instead.

The punditocracy is already full of speculation about other Dems challenging Harris. Ignore it. As I wrote on July 5th, she is the only logical choice:

If the Dems don’t give the nod to Kamala Harris, they risk alienating a huge part of their voter base. That would be worsened if she was passed over in favor of a white guy. But it might be a good idea to have a woman at the top of the ticket in a year when reproductive rights should be the number one issue for the party — particularly against a monster who takes credit for the reversal of Roe v. Wade AND has been found guilty of sexual assault.

Among the many verbal jabs she’ll throw at Trump, I suggest this one: “As a former prosecutor and Attorney General of California, I spent a lot of time convicting criminals and con men. But, unlike my opponent, never once did I fall asleep in the courtroom.” (see footnote)

Then Harris can remind voters of at least eight top Trump advisers who went to jail, with several others taking plea deals to testify against him. That’s on top the 54 indictments and 34 convictions of their Dear Leader, the first felon to become a major party’s presidential nominee.

Meanwhile, the only person on Biden’s side of the ledger to have been found guilty in a court of law is his son Hunter, who has not gotten a pardon from Joe (unlike Trump handing them out to his co-conspirators like Halloween candy). Come to think of it, no one from the Obama/Biden administration was convicted of breaking federal laws, either.

But I’ll reiterate that Harris’ most important topic should be reproductive rights, including saying the word ABORTION in every speech, plus CONTRACEPTION and IVF, all of which Trump and the extremist GOP members of Congress want to ban nationally.

Biden didn’t make these topics enough of a priority, but Harris must. Not merely because it’s the correct thing to do, but because it’s good politics — overwhelming majorities of Americans support them and will go to the polls to prove it.

I can’t help but smirk thinking of all the white nationalist men who had smoke coming out of their heads when a Black man became president. When Kamala beats their cult leader and becomes the first Black/Asian woman to ascend to the Oval Office —with a Jewish husband! — the racist MAGA Morons will have their heads explode as if they were characters on the Prime Video series “The Boys.”

Footnote: this afternoon, Kamala didn’t quote me exactly, but did include this in a speech: “I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.” Excellent! The more she kicks Trump right in the ego, the better off she’ll be — and the more fun we’ll have over the next couple of months.