If you haven’t heard the audio of a Southwest pilot caught on tape, here’s the audio and my comments this morning on WHAS/Louisville. The pilot, who didn’t know his mike was on and broadcasting his comments to everyone else in the air and on the ground, complains loudly to his co-pilot about the “gays, grannies, and grandes” he encounters when he’s on a layover and trying to score at hotel bars.
As for Southwest, they say they suspended the offending pilot without pay, but won’t say for how long. The flight attendants union and some gay groups say that’s not enough — he should lose his job.
My perspective:
- How’d you like to be a flight attendant who recognizes this guy’s voice and has to fly with him on an upcoming flight?
- How many wives are wondering about their pilot husbands after hearing this?
- If I’m on your flight as a passenger, I’d prefer you just shut up and fly the plane!
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