In my continuing efforts to expose anti-scientific nonsense, I was happy to welcome Dr. Paul Offit to my America Weekend show. Dr. Offit is head of the department of infection diseases at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia and an outspoken critic of alternative homeopathy, megavitamins, dietary supplements, chiropractors, acupuncture. He has written an important book that pokes holes in the nonscientific claims of alternative medicine, “Do You Believe In Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine.”
Among the topics we discussed:
- Why Deepak Chopra and Suzanne Somers are given more credence by the public than actual medical doctors;
- How Congress has allowed Big Pharma to sell products that promise relief they can not deliver;
- Why labeling an item “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safer or works better than synthesized drugs;
- Why anecdotal evidence about one or two people can’t outweigh data involving thousands.
Listen to our conversation here.
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