This is to everyone who thinks teachers are overpaid. It was taken from an editorial in a New Hampshire newspaper. Author unknown.
Consider this:
If I had my way, I’d pay these teachers myself. I’d pay them babysitting wages. I’d give them $3/hour out of my own pocket. And I’m only going to pay them for 5 hours, not coffee breaks. That would be $15/day. Each parent should pay $15/day for these teachers to babysit their child. Even if they have more than one child, it’s still a lot cheaper than private day care.
Now, how many children do they teach everyday? Maybe 20? That’s $15 times 20, equaling $300/day. But remember, they only work 180 days a year! I’m not going to pay them for all those vacations! So that’s $300 x 180 = $54,000.
Wait. I know that you teachers will say, “What about those who have ten years experience and a masters degree?” Well, maybe (to be fair) they could get the minimum wage, and instead of just babysitting, they could read the kid a story. We could round that off to about $5/hour, times five hours, times 20 children. That’s $500/day times 180 days. That’s $90,000! Huh?
Wait a minute. Let’s get a little perspective here. Babysitting wages are too good for these teachers. Did anyone see a good salary guide around here?
Need I say more?
Signed, An Intelligent Parent