Since President Obama took office, there’s been some talk about changing the federal government’s attitude about illegal drugs, specifically marijuana. Today on KIRO/Seattle, I talked it over with Jacob Sullum (senior writer at Reason magazine, author of “Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use,” and an expert on the failed war on drugs).
We discussed the case of Eddy Lepp, who was sentenced this week to 10 years in prison, with no chance of parole, because of horrific federal statutes. Lepp was growing medical marijuana in California, where it’s legal, to try to help sick people, and we can’t have that.
Jacob also explained the chances of pot becoming deregulated and taxed — at a time when federal and state coffers could use every dime — and we talked about a recent piece by Michael Winerip in the NY Times in which he says that, when he was younger he was much more tolerant of drug use than he is now as an adult with his own kids.
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