Ralph Begleiter on the Debate

Here's my conversation with Ralph Begleiter (formerly of CNN, now director of the Center For Political Communication at the University of Delaware) about tomorrow night's presidential debate.  I asked him: how important avoiding gaffes will be for the candidates;...

Sam Donaldson’s Debate Preview

Here's my conversation with Sam Donaldson about tomorrow night's presidential debate, from the (lowered) expectations game to the impact of early voting in 34 states to whether Sam was ever invited to be a moderator of one of these events. Listen, then click here to...

Wrong On Veterans Again

Yesterday, Republicans in the Senate blocked a bi-partisan bill that would have helped put veterans back to work. Amazingly, some of those Republicans are the ones who worked to write the bill, which couldn't proceed despite a 58-40 vote because it didn't get the 60...

Don’t Know Much About Presidents

Don’t Know Much About Presidents

Ken Davis sold about a million copies of his book, "Don't Know Much About History," so he's written a sequel, "Don't Know Much About The American Presidents," and joined me on KTRS/St. Louis today to talk about it. I asked him: Whether the sniping between candidates...

West Wing Reunion

West Wing Reunion

When you're running for office, it helps to have famous friends who can help you out. Bridget Mary McCormack is a law professor at the University of Michigan who is running for the state supreme court. That's not an office where a candidacy gets a lot of PAC money...

The Raunchy Fundraiser Conundrum

Imagine this fictional scenario: Barack Obama has a $50,000-a-plate fundraiser at the home of a man who once hosted a party so raunchy that guests "cavorted nude in the pool and performed sex acts, scantily dressed Russians danced on platforms and men twirled lit...

Will Durst “Elect To Laugh”

Comedian Will Durst has made many appearances on my radio shows over the last three decades, and I invited him back today on KTRS/St. Louis to promote his new e-book, "Elect To Laugh," a combination of the columns he's written in this election year (for The Huffington...

CNN’s Don Lemon

CNN's Don Lemon was supposed to join me today on KTRS/St. Louis to talk about the fallout from the Romney 47% video, how the polls look in the swing states, and whether the candidates' appearances with Letterman and Kelly Ripa/Michael Strahan will have any effect on...

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