How Does Test Tube Hamburger Taste?

How Does Test Tube Hamburger Taste?

br> A couple of week ago, scientists introduced the world to the first test-tube hamburger, a piece of meat grown in a laboratory. Josh Schonwald was the first journalist to taste the in vitro meat, so I asked him to join me on America Weekend today to describe how it...

Breaking Bad’s Science Adviser

Breaking Bad’s Science Adviser

"Breaking Bad" returned to AMC tonight for the eight episodes that will finish the sage of chemistry-teacher-turned-meth-making-drug-lord Walter White. I didn't watch the show when it first aired, but caught up with it by binge-watching the first four seasons last...

Michael Mann vs. Climate Change Deniers

Michael Mann vs. Climate Change Deniers

Michael Mann is one of the world's leading climate researchers, as well as (as he describes himself) "the central object of attack in what some have characterized as the best-funded, most carefully-orchestrated assault on science the world has known." Those attacks...

The Truth About GMOs

A front-page story in today's NY Times reports on efforts in Florida to save the orange industry from a disease that has been turning millions of oranges half-green. The answer seems to be to modify the DNA of the oranges to fight off the bacteria causing the disease....

Harriet Hall, The SkepDoc

Harriet Hall is a former Air Force flight surgeon and retired family physician who is known as The SkepDoc. She and her colleagues at Science-Based Medicine have been debunking medical nonsense (e.g. homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.) for years and have...

Jenny McCarthy’s Dangerous View

Barbara Walters would never hire a co-host for "The View" who advocated that: American women should be forced to wear burqas in public; The government round up all redheads and put them in concentration camps; Garage door openers cause cancer. It would be...

National Geographic’s Pseudoscience

Here's an excellent piece from skeptic Mark Edward after he was contacted by a producer for National Geographic TV who wanted to do a piece on psychics. As Mark feared, the show was not going to reveal psychics to be frauds and con artists, but to present yet another...

Being Invisible Isn’t Easy

The folks at Cognitive Media have put together a clever series of videos explaining what it would be like if you had the powers of a superhero (e.g. if you could fly like Superman, be as strong as The Hulk, run as fast as The Flash). My favorite is this one, which...

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