Paul Reickhoff on the Walter Reed Scandal
In discussing the scandalous story of nightmarish conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center on my show today, I called upon Paul Reickhoff again. He's the outspoken director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, which has been pushing a legislative agenda...
Support The Troops, Until They’re Home
For those who have been screaming "support the trooops" as a pejorative against those who were against the war in Iraq, the response has always been to ask how well we support our men and women in uniform once they have returned home -- particularly those who don't...
World’s Worst Dictators
Today I talked with David Wallechinsky about his list of the World's Worst Dictators, as seen in Parade magazine. We talked about the massacres in the Darfur region of Sudan, the religious extremism in Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the continuing power of Muamma...
Court Martial of Lt. Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada refused to go to Iraq with his unit and spoke out against the war publicly. The Army frowns on both of those, which is how he ended up in a court martial this week. He faces up to 4 years in prison for both missing a movement and conduct unbecoming an...
Scott Ritter on War With Iran
Scott Ritter returned to my show today to discuss how to stop the Iran war before it starts. He says we're closer to war now than we were a few months ago when we talked, even though there's no evidence that Iran is any closer to being capable of making nuclear...
Terror-Free Oil
A gas station in Nebraska is calling itself Terror-Free Oil. The owner says he'll only sell gasoline made from oil that originates in countries friendly to the United States. That means no oil from the Middle East, none from Venezuela, etc. Which oil companies does...
Exactly 40 years before President Bush's "surge" speech, another President from Texas gave a speech and talked about war. It was LBJ's State Of The Union address on January 10, 1967, and Will Bunch found some eerie similarities between then and now...LBJ, Jan. 10,...
Reporting From Iraq
Laura Bush thinks she knows more about what's going on in Iraq than the reporters who are there, and blasted them for not showing more of the "good news" in that country. Today, I talked to USA Today media columnist Peter Johnson about whether that criticism is valid....