More and more people aren’t going to the office every day because they’re working from home or some other remote location. On my America Weekend show, David Heinemeier Hanson, co-author of “Remote: Office Not Required,” says the trend is good for both employer and employee, in that it leads to more productivity and job satisfaction, and can be a big money- and time-saver.
As someone who works from home, I agree, although it makes outsiders think that, since I don’t see an employer face-to-face every day, I must not be working very hard. In reality, the opposite is true. I don’t have to sit through meetings, I don’t waste time standing around the office talking about last night’s football game or what happened over the weekend. I can focus on what I need to do, and get it done on my own schedule — and as long as I get it done, who cares when I do it or how I’m dressed?
Listen to our conversation here.