Stephen King On Taxes

In a piece for The Daily Beast, Stephen King explains why he and other rich people should be taxed more. I can already hear the right-wingers responding to this the same way they did when Warren Buffett dared to offer the same proposal. The rebuttal went, “If you want to pay more taxes, go ahead, […]

In Case You Missed It

From my Twitter feed… More Amarillo Slim stories from the man who co-authored his memoirs, Greg Dinkin; Debunking claims by opponents of ObamaCare that the Founding Fathers would never have gone for an individual mandate (with 3 examples of when they did!); Know Your Country: 1 in 3 Americans can’t answer the questions on a citizenship […]

Colbert vs. Keaton

I felt sorry for Stephen Colbert the other night when Diane Keaton appeared on his show to promote the paperback edition of her autobiography. It was clear from the start that she wasn’t going to play along. Despite Colbert prompting her to share stories from her book, she refused, opting to be argumentative with him […]

Friendly Advice for CNN

Cenk Uygur, whose “Young Turks” show is on the barely-seen Current network, offers some advice to CNN on how it can boost its withered ratings: Stop doing “he said, she said” crap that doesn’t actually deliver the news to anyone. Democrats said this and Republicans said that — who cares? What is the reality?! Your […]

Final Table #170: Sam Barnhart

Final Table #170: Sam Barnhart

Today on the Final Table, we talked about Dennis’ weekend trip to the Chad Brown Charity Event at Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma and the strategy behind his play on the bubble (at the point where one more player will be eliminated before everyone remaining makes any money). We also discussed the newest developments in the […]