CNN is shuffling the deck chairs again and cutting loose a hundred employees, while the new-ish management says it’s going to build a billion dollar digital brand, whatever that means. Meanwhile, its primetime shows are getting their lowest ratings in years.

What the network needs to bring viewers back is a modern-day “Larry King Live.” I’m not kidding.

Say what you want about Larry (and I did, a lot), there’s no debating that during its 25 year run from 1985 to 2010, “LKL” was very often Must See TV. One night it covered a breaking news story with reporters from CNN’s vast correspondents corps. The next night it had Kato Kaelin talking about living in OJ Simpson’s guest house. The night after that it had King laughing along while Don Rickles told Frank Sinatra stories.

A contemporary version of the show would require two important things: 1) an executive producer with a gigantic contacts list who can convince big names in entertainment, sports, and news to appear live on the set for a couple of segments; and 2) a host who actually listens to the guests and knows how to draw good stories out of them.

When King did the show, he notoriously didn’t prepare. He claimed he only counted on his curiosity — not to mention whatever questions were fed into his IFB by the EP. That won’t fly in 2024. Any new host must be fully engaged, ready for action, and young enough to do the job long-term. Fortunately, there are a ton of GenXers and Millennials hosting podcasts who have the necessary skills. CNN should sift through them and find one who can create compelling television.

There is one element of the old show I would definitely leave out — calls from viewers. In our current world, where vitriolic comments dominate virtually every social media platform, you can’t give them control of the airwaves for even ten seconds.

One last point. CNN should not waste this idea on whatever digital platforms it is planning to build out. Put it on the flagship cable outlet, right after Anderson Cooper.

And whoever the new host is, don’t make her wear suspenders!