Seth Kills It For Kamala

Seth Kills It For Kamala

In his latest TV appearance, my brother Seth talked about the personal impact of Biden’s withdrawal, why Kamala will continue Biden’s pro-union policies, and why the cowardly Trump may not want to debate her. See for yourself.

A Vegas Poker Story

A Vegas Poker Story

Sometimes, at a poker table, I meet people who are fun to be around. Other times, not so much. Here’s a recent example of the latter.

No No No No NO!

No No No No NO!

I fell into the YouTube rabbit hole again today and found this video from last December about “therapy llamas” at an airport. Here’s my reaction.

Kamala And Labor

Kamala And Labor

My brother Seth, the former Acting Labor Secretary, has published a piece about whether Kamala Harris will be able to draw the same kind of union support Biden did. Here’s an excerpt.

Random Politics

Random Politics

Quickies about who will NOT be Kamala’s running mate, a slogan she must use in every speech, more idiocy from Michael Bloomberg, and why you can’t block all those spam texts from politicians.

Another Hot Time In Las Vegas

Another Hot Time In Las Vegas

I’m back from another poker weekend in Las Vegas, where temperatures were over 110 degrees, an iconic casino became a thing of the past, and I came home with stories to share with you.