POTD: Mark And Max On Magic
For the Picture Of The Day, here are two great storytellers — my friend Mark Evanier in conversation with Max Maven, one of the world’s top mentalists and magic historians.
For the Picture Of The Day, here are two great storytellers — my friend Mark Evanier in conversation with Max Maven, one of the world’s top mentalists and magic historians.
The other night, my wife and I went to a magic show — without leaving our house. It was intimate, entertaining as hell, and we didn’t have to worry about whether the other attendees were wearing face masks.
Picture Of The Day: Five years ago this month, while Penn & Teller were doing a limited run on Broadway, they stopped by Google’s New York office to have a chat onstage about their origin stories, their TV shows, and their documentary, “Tim’s Vermeer.”
For the Picture Of The Day, let’s take 15 minutes to watch the late, great Ricky Jay show off his skill with cards and con games.
My review of mentalist Derren Brown’s Broadway show, “Secret,” now playing in the same theater where I saw Doug Henning’s very different “The Magic Show” more than four decades ago.
Professor Richard Wiseman worked with magician Will Houstoun to tell the story of Apollo 11’s mission to the lunar surface — through sleight of hand!