Negotiating With The Taliban

Three months ago, I had an extended conversation with correspondent Jere Van Dyk, who has done extensive reporting in Afghanistan over the last two decades and was held prisoner by the Taliban for 45 days, which he lived to write about it in “Captive.” Today, on the eve of the 9th anniversary of US combat […]

Permanent War

Permanent War

Andrew Bacevich, a retired US Army Colonel whose son also served and died in Iraq, knows a lot about US military policy — and thinks it’s time for a change. He joined me on KTRS/St. Louis to talk about his book, “Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War.” Bacevich challenges the strategy that hasn’t changed […]

Ron Paul on Islamophobia

Whether you admire or detest Congressman Ron Paul, there’s no denying that the man is a fundamentalist when it comes to our Constitution. For him the New York mosque arguments are all about demagoguery, hate, and Islamophobia — and he’s surprised that conservatives aren’t defending property rights. Here’s the powerful way he concluded the statement […]

Mosque On The Hudson

There were a protest and counter-protest in New York yesterday over the Islamic community center project, a controversy that has lasted far too long already. Many of the protesters who don’t want the project completed held up signs with viciously anti-Muslim sentiments, while they should have had signs saying “I’m among the easily manipulated Americans […]

Phone Call Of The Day

Today on KTRS/St. Louis, I was taking calls about the ongoing New York mosque controversy and espousing my opinion that the developers have the right to build whatever they want on that site, and should not back down. It’s not that I care about putting up yet another religious edifice, but as a civil libertarian, […]

Mosque Mania

Politicians of every stripe have been mouthing off about the New York mosque — you know, the one that isn’t at Ground Zero — in the last few days, after President Obama threw gasoline on the fire Friday night and took an issue that had mostly quieted down and turned it into a national furor. […]