Apr 2, 2007 | war/terrorism
Last week, John McCain said that things were going so well in Iraq that there were neighborhoods in Baghdad were anyone could walk safely, contrary to media reports. This weekend, he proved it, by going to a market three minutes across the Tigris River from the Green Zone. Of course, to remain safe, McCain wore […]
Mar 30, 2007 | war/terrorism
Last week, I talked with NBC’s Richard Engel about how tough it is for reporters to do their job in Baghdad because it’s so dangerous for Americans to even walk the streets. Now Lew Irwin reports in Studio Briefing: TV news correspondents in Baghdad were at odds Thursday with Arizona Senator John McCain over his […]
Mar 29, 2007 | war/terrorism
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia calls the US presence in Iraq an “illegitimate foreign occupation.” And that’s our best friend in the Arab world, our Partner In Peace. Boy, we’re really winning them over, aren’t we?
Mar 21, 2007 | podcasts, war/terrorism
This afternoon on my show, I talked with Bob Woodward about his book, “State Of Denial: Bush At War, Part III.” I asked him if President Bush actually listens to his generals (as he claims he does), whether there’s any doubt in the White House about the war strategies of the last four years, and […]
Mar 13, 2007 | podcasts, war/terrorism
Remarkable first-person war stories today on my show from Colby Buzzell and Jack Lewis, who both served in and wrote about their experiences in Iraq. I asked them about how American soldiers were seen as good or bad guys by Iraqi citizens, how to tell when gunfire in town was hostile or just from a […]
Mar 8, 2007 | podcasts, war/terrorism
Today I talked with Commander Richard Jadick about being a doctor on the front lines in Iraq, where he set up a make-shift emergency room in the middle of the battlefield. I asked him what it was like working through the Battle of Fallujah, dealing with snipers, and whether he turned Hawkeye Pierce at any […]