Nov 29, 2006 | podcasts, war/terrorism
More good insight on Iraq today on my show from Rajiv Chandrasekaran, including: the impact of 36 members of Iraq’s Parliament walking out; lack of confidence in President Al-Maliki; whether our military will withdraw from Al-Anbar province, and what that would mean. Listen, then get Rajiv’s book, “Imperial Life In The Emerald City.”
Nov 14, 2006 | Movies, podcasts, war/terrorism
On my show this afternoon, I talked to Robert Greenwald about his new documentary, “Iraq For Sale,” in which he exposes the war profiteering that has come from privatizing so much of this war. Instead of supporting the troops, companies like Halliburton and CACI are racking up huge profits, while hundreds of millions of your […]
Nov 1, 2006 | war/terrorism
Quick thoughts on the current John Kerry brouhaha: John Kerry says he was trying to make a joke. John Kerry should never attempt this because, as he has proven time and time again, John Kerry has no sense of humor. He may be the least funny person on the planet, with the possible exception of […]
Oct 20, 2006 | podcasts, war/terrorism
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, former Baghdad bureau chief for the Washington Post, was on my show today to talk about what life is like in the Green Zone, and what’s wrong with the way the Bush administration is dealing with the continuing violence and reconstruction of Iraq. We talked about the underestimated power of religious leaders like […]
Oct 17, 2006 | podcasts, war/terrorism
This afternoon on my show, I talked to Scott Ritter — who was right in everything he ever said about Iraq — about his new book, “Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change.” Ritter makes the case that Iran does not have the capacity to make nuclear weapons, and that […]
Aug 22, 2006 | podcasts, war/terrorism
In a story that sounds like a real-life version of “A Few Good Men,” US Marine Lance Corporal Matt Solowynsky says he was physically abused for several weeks by other Marines, including his Sergeant and other Lance Corporals at Camp Pendleton. He told his story today on my show, just minutes before turning himself in […]