After watching tonight’s “60 Minutes” infomercial on Amazon and its plans to someday deliver products via drone helicopters, I’m curious:
- If current FAA laws prohibit commercial drone flight in the US, where did the company shoot the promotional video it posted to YouTube moments after the segment aired?
- Can an Amazon drone deliver a new career opportunity to suspended “60 Minutes” correspondent Lara Logan?
- How will the drones avoid electric/cable/phone lines en route? Do they show up on GPS?
- Will customers have to return the plastic box the product is delivered in, or wait for Amazon Airborne Recycling Retrieval?
- CEO Jeff Bezos proclaims that drones will make it easy to deliver products weighing less than five pounds in urban areas within a half-hour of ordering, but if someone lives in an apartment, will they want their package dropped randomly in front of the building?
- At what point will Amazon’s drones join forces with SkyNet and become self-aware?