Of the local St. Louis stations, only Fox 2 is running a continuous ticker at the bottom of the screen with statewide election results — even under commercial breaks — while Shep Smith does his usual solid job of anchoring the national coverage. He just reported that, despite the McCain campaign complaining about Pennsylvania being projected for Obama, Fox is not backing off from its call.
KSDK 5 has lower third graphics, as well, but doesn’t keep them up all the time. Mike Bush seems more interested in promoting what’s coming up than telling us what’s going on. Reporter Leisa Zigman is doing her usual good work in the field.
KMOV 4’s local cut-in segments look best, with Larry Conners and Vicki Newton, and tons of content on their website, too. It looked to me like they were first to project Democratic attorney general Jay Nixon running away with the governor’s race.
KDNL 30 has no local news department, so they put the ABC switch in the on position and kept it there all night long. That includes the segments before the top and bottom of the hour where local stations would insert their local coverage, which the network covers with Sam Donaldson and some not-so-high-tech graphics for five minutes.