NBC announced yesterday that it will no longer air the Golden Globes because the Hollywood Foreign Press Association hasn’t done enough to address diversity issues. Considering the awards show wouldn’t have lasted this long without the network — and likely no other outlet will pick it up — you can consider it dead for now. Not a big loss, considering how far ratings have fallen for all televised awards shows during the pandemic. That is, unless you’re a member of the HFPA, who will no longer get access to movie and TV stars who previously sucked up to them.
A restaurant on Capitol Hill that has 80% of its seating outside has announced it’s closing for a month because of the impending return of the Brood X cicadas. I don’t blame the management. I lived in the DC area in 1987 when the cicadas appeared (a once-every-17-years event) and remember how loud and persistent their noise was. It almost seemed like science fiction — they were everywhere, crunching under feet and car tires. If you whistle and hum simultaneously, you can re-create the eerie sound they make. Now imagine that going on all day and night for more than a month.
ABC has renewed “Grey’s Anatomy” for an 18th season. I don’t want to say the show is running out of medical crises to solve, but among those scheduled for the fall are Earlobe Cancer, Gunshot Victim Who Can’t Remember The Word “Celery,” Ruptured Philtrum, Excess Knuckle Hair, and Painful Heel Scrapes Caused By Wearing Shoes With No Socks.
The trainer of the horse that won the Kentucky Derby is in trouble because the animal tested positive for banned drugs, but he says he’s a victim of “cancel culture.” No, Bob, like so many who now use that phrase as an excuse when they’re caught lying, cheating, or stealing, you’re a victim of “not following the rules.” That’s why they’re calling this a dope scandal.
Before you say Elon Musk was the worst host in the history of “Saturday Night Live,” take a look at this Rolling Stone list of twenty other celebrities who really stunk up the place, including Nancy Kerrigan, Steven Seagal, and Milton Berle.