I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this: “Benny Hill music blasted outside Parliament live on TV to troll Boris Johnson ahead of resignation – and Hugh Grant was behind it.” Kudos to the BBC journalist who didn’t break during a live report while the music blared in the background.
I love the way Randall Munroe tackles scientific questions, no matter how odd. So much fun to read. I’ve already ordered his second “What If?” book, which comes out in September. Check out his answer to “How much damage would a hailstorm with soccer-ball-sized hail cause?”
Woody Allen says his next movie is likely to be his last. Well over six people will notice.
Think about this next year when you drive by those fireworks stands that pop up every summer, and the ones that somehow stay in business all year round. Just a little suburban fun, eh?
Amazon has canceled the Sissy Spacek/JK Simmons series “The Night Sky” after just one season. Good riddance. The series never lived up to the talent of its two stars, both of whom rose above the subpar material. However, I see that Bryan Cranston is talking about a second season of “Your Honor,” a show that tied up its main plot line in one season and doesn’t need any more.