Southwest Airlines claims it is polling passengers about whether the company should drop its longtime policy of allowing two free checked bags per customer. As if some nitwit is going to say, “Oh, yes, please, start charging me for those! I always thought you were being far too generous!” What Southwest is really doing is setting things up for when it eventually drops that perk for people paying the lowest Wanna Get Away fares, reserving it instead for those purchasing the Business Select highest fares. Below that, you’ll have to ante up for each of your bags that goes into the cargo hold. That will put Southwest on par with almost all the other airlines — and increase its bottom line, which is the real goal.

Actual small print I spotted on a pharmaceutical ad: “Don’t use Skyrizi if you’re allergic to Skyrizi.” And I would know that how?

A few days ago, Foo Fighters joined the list of musical artists — including Isaac Hayes and Celine Dion — who claim they’ll sue Trump to make him cease and desist using their songs at his rallies. Trump being Trump, he’s not going to stop and any such lawsuits forcing him to wouldn’t be resolved until long after the election anyway. But more to the point, if the venues where he’s holding his rallies have paid their ASCAP/BMI licensing fees (as pretty much every arena in the US does), that covers any performance of songs by its signatories, including playing recordings over the sound system. Of course, the threats aren’t really supposed to get that result. They’re all about the musicians’ desire to publicly distance themselves from Trump’s odious policies and personality. But I’m sure their lawyers have told them they have no legal way to stop him — or anyone, for that matter.

Why doesn’t anyone ever say, “And I mean that from the middle of my heart”? What’s with the heart-bottom bias?