I dislike more and more of what Elon Musk says and does since he ramped up his racism, extremism, and xenophobia, not to mention his support of Trump. But I have to give credit to his company SpaceX for last week’s mission carrying four Americans deeper into space than any other craft since the Apollo era. While Boeing has failed miserably in building reliable vehicles for travel in space, we rarely hear of any SpaceX failures. Last week’s mission was designed to include a “spacewalk” by two of the passengers to test new spacesuits the company designed. But I have to nitpick about calling what happened a “spacewalk.” Yes, it was in space but “walk” is a bit of a stretch. They opened the hatch, climbed a ladder, and poked their heads out (like prairie dogs) before stepping back inside. Calling that a “spacewalk” is like me going out to our mailbox and claiming I ran a marathon.

Speaking of mailboxes, I miss the little rush I used to get upon seeing a red Netflix envelope in mine.

If you’re a presidential candidate and you complain that the person you’ve debated must have gotten the questions in advance, all you’re proving is that you and your team didn’t prepare well enough — or at all. It’s not like you walked into a math class and got hit with a pop quiz about the French Revolution.

NBC is eliminating Friday episodes of “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.” The good news is now I’ll only have to remember to not watch the show four nights a week.