Here are a few pieces I’ve enjoyed reading and strongly recommend, with apologies if you can’t access them because of paywalls:

In an excerpt from his new book, “Outrageous,” (which I’m looking forward to reading), Kliph Nesteroff explains that so-called cancel culture is not the recent phenomenon many believe it is. Moreover, comedians and others who claim “you can’t say anything anymore” don’t know their show business history (especially some stories about Richard Pryor and the Smothers Brothers).

On a similar subject, Jonathan Chait has some advice for CEOs, school principals, city councils, and others who find themselves blasted from all sides after issuing a pronouncement about Hamas-Israel or any other current event. It’s simple, really. You’re under no obligation to offer opinions on every major news story or social injustice, so Stop Making Official Statements In The First Place!

Monica Lewinsky makes a pretty good argument for six new amendments to the US Constitution. Sure, the bar is too high for any of them to actually become law (good luck getting three-fourths of the state legislatures to agree on anything), but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be some discussion.

Virginia Heffernan had her life turned upside down when she clicked on what she thought was a compliment from Larry Summers (former Secretary of Treasury, former president of Harvard, etc.). In reality, it was a phishing scam that gave a hacker access to her digital information that she then could no longer access.