Today on my show, I talked with Senator Joe Biden, who wants your vote for President. With so many current events to talk about in a limited time, we didn’t discuss his book, “Promises To Keep,” but you can order it by clicking that link.

Biden called in as we were discussing a bizarre new lie-detector reality show that Fox will air this fall, so I pulled him into the conversation before we talked about more serious issues, like:

  • a report in the LA Times that the upcoming report from General David Petraeus on the surge in Iraq will actually be written by the Bush administration.
  • whether the extremely low approval ratings for the Democrat-led Congress are because we’re still in Iraq
  • what his plans for drawing down troops are and whether he’d leave US troops there
  • how he’d fix the problems with medical and mental health care for our returning troops
  • today’s conviction of Jose Padilla and whether the “enemy combatant” issue had been handled correctly
  • and finally, a lightning-round on other issues.

Listen to our conversation here.

Regardless of what you think of Biden, you have to admit one thing — he’s a very smooth politician when he keeps his foot out of his mouth. But please don’t take Biden’s appearance on my show as an endorsement. We have offered the same opportunity to the other candidates of both parties, and he was the first to take us up on it.