Morgan Spurlock was back on my show today to talk about the second season of his FX show, “30 Days,” which debuts Wednesday night (7/26) with an episode that puts a member of the Minutemen in the home of a family of illegal immigrants. He also told stories about spending a month in jail for an episode that airs later in the season, and explained how they come up with the situations and people who take part in the show.

I quickly became a fan of “30 Days” in its first season, when Spurlock and his fiance spent a month in minimum wage jobs. But the highlight last summer was when he sent a homophobic guy into the gayest part of San Francisco to live with a man and his lover. In one scene, they take him to a gay nightclub, where the straight guy joined some of the other men on top of the bar, dancing and whipping his shirt off. The reaction of one of the gay men in the club was priceless: “Oh, I wouldn’t have done that!”

Listen to our conversation here.

Previously on Harris Online…