POTD: 88 Keys + 8 Hands

POTD: 88 Keys + 8 Hands

For the Picture Of The Day, here are four pianists playing at the same time — on the same piano. At several points, it reminds me of a Chico Marx routine. I bet the hardest part was remembering whose turn it was to flip the pages on the sheet music.

POTD: This Kid’s Got Guts

POTD: This Kid’s Got Guts

Picture Of The Day: Brayden Harrington, a 13-year-old who stutters, met Joe Biden on the campaign trail early this year. They bonded, and Brayden had the guts to do this in front of a national television audience at the DNC convention last night.

POTD: Penn & Teller At Google

POTD: Penn & Teller At Google

Picture Of The Day: Five years ago this month, while Penn & Teller were doing a limited run on Broadway, they stopped by Google’s New York office to have a chat onstage about their origin stories, their TV shows, and their documentary, “Tim’s Vermeer.”

