The Golden Globes nominations were announced yesterday and two things happened immediately. One, the news outlets that have been dissing the Globes for a long time — especially during its recent scandal-ridden years — didn’t skip a beat in faithfully posting stories about this year’s nominees as if they’d never said a bad word about them. Two, every writer on the showbiz beat immediately compiled a list of movies, shows, and actors who they felt were snubbed. Never mind that there’s no option on the ballot to vote against anybody. To these experts, if their favorites didn’t get enough votes, something must be wrong. Good thing that kind of flawed thinking can’t occur in more important elections.

At the poker table the other night, the conversation turned to sports movies. I sat silently listening until one began to rant, “They’re all the same. Can you name one that didn’t end with the hero winning?” I immediately chimed in with “Bad News Bears,” “North Dallas Forty,” and a little indie movie called “Rocky.”

I must have done something wrong when I entered the college football transfer portal last week, because all I got was a bus ticket.

Some days, when I have a few minutes to kill, I log on to Twitter, scroll through the feed, and block the few advertisers Elon Musk has remaining.