On KIRO/Seattle this morning, I had an interesting discussion with consumer and privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht about her attempts to stop the spread of RFID tags.
They’re a hot issue in Washington state, which now has “enhanced drivers licenses” with the RFID chip embedded, supposedly to make it easier to cross the border with Canada. RFID, which were once limited to use as an inventory control device in warehouses, is also in many clothing items and other products you buy and wear, without your knowledge (she led a protest rally against RFID in fashion earlier this week). Albrecht is worried about protecting privacy and personal identity info that can be scanned from these chips from as much as 20 feet away, and raises concerns about implanting RFID chips in humans, as we already do with dogs and cats.
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For more info, see Albrecht’s site and read her book, “Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Purchase and Watch Your Every Move.”