Scott Ritter on Iran and the NIE

Scott Ritter returned to my show this afternoon to talk about the National Intelligence Estimate that says Iran stopped developing a nuclear weapon 4 years ago. Ritter, who was right on everything he told me about Iraq, has made these same points about Iran's nuclear...

William Cohen “Dragon Fire”

William Cohen “Dragon Fire”

William Cohen, former US Senator and Secretary of Defense, was back on my show this afternoon to talk about his novel, "Dragon Fire." We also discussed Congress' reluctance to approve more money for the war without wording about withdrawing troops, and what that will...

Kevin Sites, In The Hot Zone

Kevin Sites, In The Hot Zone

Kevin Sites has covered wars, disasters, and conflicts around the world, and has compiled some of the stories in "In The Hot Zone: One Man, One Year, Twenty Wars." This afternoon on my show, I talked with Sites about some of those adventures, including the infamous...

Janessa Gans on Blackwater & Iraq

Janessa Gans on Blackwater & Iraq

Janessa Gans spent more than two years as a US official in Iraq. While she was there, she lived in the Green Zone but traveled all over the country, guarded by Blackwater employees. Today on my show, she had some harsh words for the way she saw the Blackwater guards...

Pakistan and Nukes

What's the most dangerous nation on Earth? Catherine Scott-Clark says, without a doubt, it's Pakistan, which has been making news this week with the instability of Pervez Musharraf and his military government. Scott-Clark and fellow invesigative journalist Adrian Levy...

Abe Foxman of the ADL

Abe Foxman of the ADL

Today I talked with Abe Foxman, who has been national director of the Anti-Defamation League for the last 20 years. We discussed his book, "The Deadliest Lies," which is a response to the writing of two professors who blame "the Israel lobby" for many things,...

Civilian War Injuries

Today I talked with Mike Helms, a civilian counterintelligence expert who was serving alongside Army troops in Iraq when the humvee he was in hit an IED and was blown apart. Mike suffered severe injuries, inclding burns, a broken tailbone, shrapnel wounds, and...

General Wesley Clark

General Wesley Clark was on my show this afternoon to talk about his book, "A Time To Lead: For Duty, Honor, and Country." After we got past whether he'll be Hillary Clinton's running mate next year, we got into a discussion of what he would do about Iraq, how he...

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