Our Partner In Peace

Here's that LA Times piece I discussed on my show this afternoon, in which Ned Parker points out Saudi Arabia's role in the violence in Iraq: About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15%...

Quick Thought

Who was it who told us that if we didn't fight the terrorists in Iraq, we'd have to fight them here? Wonder what that person was thinking over the weekend when the JFK Airport plot was exposed -- the one thought up by a US citizen and some friends from Trinidad, of...

Bob Barr

In the 1990s, I despised Bob Barr because he was one of the leaders of the GOP impeachment gang. Since then, he has left Congress and discovered his libertarian side, and we find ourselves having a lot of common ground. Today we discussed why Sen. Frank Lautenberg's...

Soldiers Offline

The Pentagon has cut off access for soldiers to social networking websites, claiming it was taking up too much bandwidth. I railed against this decision on my show yesterday, and then received this e-mail from a listener named Mary: I was rather put off by your...

War Lies

Today on my show, I played the VERY disturbing testimony on Capitol Hill by Kevin Tillman about how the Pentagon lied and manufactured stories about the death of his brother, Pat, in Afghanistan several years ago. The fact that the family was misled purposely, so that...

Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater

This afternoon on my show, Jeremy Scahill discussed his book, "Blackwater," about the powerful private army that our government has hired to fight alongside our military in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even domestically. There are so many disturbing angles to this story....

McCain’s Iraq Disconnect, cont’d

Last week, John McCain said that things were going so well in Iraq that there were neighborhoods in Baghdad were anyone could walk safely, contrary to media reports. This weekend, he proved it, by going to a market three minutes across the Tigris River from the Green...

McCain’s Iraq Disconnect

Last week, I talked with NBC's Richard Engel about how tough it is for reporters to do their job in Baghdad because it's so dangerous for Americans to even walk the streets. Now Lew Irwin reports in Studio Briefing:TV news correspondents in Baghdad were at odds...

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