Our Partner In Peace
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia calls the US presence in Iraq an "illegitimate foreign occupation." And that's our best friend in the Arab world, our Partner In Peace. Boy, we're really winning them over, aren't we?
Bob Woodward
This afternoon on my show, I talked with Bob Woodward about his book, "State Of Denial: Bush At War, Part III." I asked him if President Bush actually listens to his generals (as he claims he does), whether there's any doubt in the White House about the war strategies...
Blogging The War
Remarkable first-person war stories today on my show from Colby Buzzell and Jack Lewis, who both served in and wrote about their experiences in Iraq. I asked them about how American soldiers were seen as good or bad guys by Iraqi citizens, how to tell when gunfire in...
On Call In Hell
Today I talked with Commander Richard Jadick about being a doctor on the front lines in Iraq, where he set up a make-shift emergency room in the middle of the battlefield. I asked him what it was like working through the Battle of Fallujah, dealing with snipers, and...
Mike Shiley, “Inside Iraq”
This afternoon on my show, Mike Shiley talked about his movie, "Inside Iraq: The Untold Stories," in which he made a press pass at Kinko's, cashed in his frequent flyer miles, and went to Iraq with a digital camera to capture what life is really like there during the...
Hans Blix
Hans Blix, the former chief UN weapons inspector, was on my show today to talk about dealing with Iran and North Korea when it comes to nuclear weapons. I asked Blix about new revelations that the Bush administration may have inflated claims about North Korea's...
Is Terrorism Threat Overblown?
Today on my show, I talked to John Mueller about his book "Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them." Mueller says even the FBI admits there are no Al Qaeda sleeper cells in the US, and that the...
Walter Reed Whitewash
Dana Milbank has a terrific column in today's Washington Post about the whitewash going on at Walter Reed after the newspaper's expose by Dana Priest and Anne Hull of nightmarish conditions in at least one of the facilities housing wounded soldiers who have returned...