David Pogue’s Tech Basics

David Pogue’s Tech Basics

David Pogue of Yahoo Tech was back on my show to talk about his new book, “Pogue’s Basics,” which makes up for all those owner’s manuals you don’t get with your smartphone, tablet, or other electronic devices. The book is full of about 200 features you probably didn’t know your device has, many of which […]

Dan Pink, “Crowd Control”

Dan Pink, “Crowd Control”

Dan Pink returned to my show to talk about his new TV show, “Crowd Control,” which debuts Monday night on the National Geographic Channel. We discussed the show’s behavioral experiments, like trying to get people to use stairs instead of escalators by making the stairs musical, using pictures of people in wheelchairs to get non-disabled […]

Ken Jennings In Outer Space

Ken Jennings In Outer Space

It’s been a decade since Ken Jennings appeared on 75 consecutive “Jeopardy!” shows and won $2.5 million (and more in several return visits for special tournaments). He writes a weekly trivia quiz for Slate, compiles the Kennections puzzle for Parade, and is the best-selling author of “Brainiac,” “Ken Jennings’ Trivia Almanac,” and “Because I Said […]

Robert Baer’s Tips For Assassins

Robert Baer’s Tips For Assassins

For over 20 years, Robert Baer was a CIA case officer — or, more accurately, an assassin. In his new book, “The Perfect Kill,” he recounts some of his adventures (including going after Saddam Hussein in 1995) and offers tips for other assassins on how to do the job better. When he joined me on […]

Josh Fattal, Iran Hiker Hostage

Josh Fattal, Iran Hiker Hostage

Iran is in the news a lot this week because of several stories from the past about prisoners held there: This week marks the 35th anniversary of 52 Americans taken hostage and held for 444 days during the Iranian Revolution; Jon Stewart’s movie “Rosewater” is about to open — it’s about journalist Maziar Bahari being […]

Mark Stein, “American Panic”

Mark Stein, “American Panic”

The most powerful force in the USA is fear. Politicians and the media force it down our throats, as if everything in the world was a threat that could kill us every day — from Isis to Al Qaeda, from Ebola to Avian Flu, from the Cold War to the latest wave of immigrants. Why […]