Oct 15, 2018 | Comedians
On my recent trip to Vegas, I was thrilled to discover that Robert Klein was appearing at the Southpoint Casino’s showroom. I’ve been a fan of Klein since my teen years, a topic I covered here in 2005 when he guested on my radio show. So, I bought a pair of tickets and took my […]
Oct 2, 2018 | Comedians
Swim at your own risk. We never know who is going to pop in. If an unannounced appearance is not your cup of tea, you are free to leave (unobtrusively please) no questions asked, your check on the house. That’s a sign on the wall of The Comedy Cellar, the nightclub in New York that […]
Sep 30, 2018 | Comedians, Picture of the Day, Television
Three years ago, I wrote a piece about Elayne Boosler, one of the seminal comics of the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, I’ve followed Elayne on YouTube as she has posted clips from some of the many standup specials she did on cable, and I just ordered her new boxed set, “Timeless,” which includes four […]
Sep 28, 2018 | Comedians, Movies
With all the standup comedy specials populating Netflix these days, you’d think someone in Hollywood would study them to figure out how to do a movie about comedians. I don’t mean putting several of them on stage and filming them a la “The Original Kings Of Comedy.” I mean making a movie about a practitioner […]
Sep 26, 2018 | Comedians, Picture of the Day
Wanna see something creepy? Watch this final scene from episode three of season seven of “The Cosby Show,” which echoes the Spanish Fly bit he did years earlier on an album of standup material [thanks to Kevin Brackett for the link]…
Aug 31, 2018 | Comedians
Several years ago, I was in New York and took my daughter to the Comedy Cellar, where we saw a half-dozen comics perform. They were all pretty good, but we weren’t familiar with any of them except Judah Friedlander, who she knew from “30 Rock.” We were also happily surprised to get a drop-in set […]