POTD: Johnny Carson on 60 Minutes

POTD: Johnny Carson on 60 Minutes

For the Picture Of The Day, on the 28th anniversary of Johnny Carson’s final “Tonight Show,” let’s look back at the time he allowed Mike Wallace to profile him for “60 Minutes” in 1979.

Patton Oswalt: I Love Everything

Patton Oswalt: I Love Everything

My review of a new Netflix special from the comedian, who has the ability to see the silliness in small things and expand on it, turning it into an extended riff, using just the right words and timing. 

Marc Maron, “End Times Fun”

Marc Maron, “End Times Fun”

Since you’re gonna be spending more time at home craving great entertainment, here’s a recommendation: Marc Maron’s new Netflix special, with the perfectly-timed title, “End Times Fun.” Click for my review.

Get Well Soon, Will Durst

Get Well Soon, Will Durst

I’m very saddened to read that an old friend, comedian Will Durst, has suffered a stroke, causing him to cancel performances for the first time in his career. Here’s what I wrote about him.

A Night At The Comedy Store

A Night At The Comedy Store

From my trip to LA last week, here’s what it’s like to watch comedian after comedian get up to do 15-minute sets in one of the most esteemed comedy clubs in the country.