James Randi Returns

James Randi is recovering from his heart attack of a few months ago, and was back on my show this afternoon to continue the fight against flummery, pseudoscience and other garbage claims. After an appalling story about Sylvia Browne, Randi talked about a recent Time magazine story about facilitated communication, in which the emotions and […]

James Randi vs. Sylvia Browne

James Randi took on Sylvia Browne today on my radio show. He came right out and called her a liar. Browne is one of the self-proclaimed psychics who claim to be able to speak to the dead. Of course, she has never offered any definitive proof, because she can’t. She did agree, three years ago […]

See Death Live!

There are two cheap life-and-death publicity stunts planned for this weekend, and they’re both causing a ruckus. I know that by mentioning the parties involved, I’m just giving them more free publicity, but there’s a point to be made. One involves a Florida band, Hell On Earth, which claims a terminally ill man will commit […]

Penn Jillette

Harris: Joining me on the phone now is an old friend, a man who’s been on the show in the morning and in the afternoon and sometimes in the middle of the night for a long time now. And he once introduced me to another magician as the smartest DJ he’d ever met — and […]