Oct 1, 2015 | Movies, Poker/Vegas
This is Part 3 of the notes I took in February, 2014, while filming a scene in “Mississippi Grind,” a movie about two gamblers (Ryan Reynolds and Ben Mendelsohn) on the road, written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. It opens tomorrow in St. Louis. Read Part One here, and Part Two here. […]
Sep 30, 2015 | Movies, Poker/Vegas
That’s Ben Mendelsohn trying to get a read on me as we play a poker hand in “Mississippi Grind,” a movie about two gamblers on the road which opens this Friday. This is Part Two of the notes I took during a long night of shooting that scene. You can read Part One here. When they […]
Sep 29, 2015 | Movies, Poker/Vegas
There’s a movie coming out this weekend and I’m in it! It’s called “Mississippi Grind,” starring Ryan Reynolds and Ben Mendelsohn as gamblers who meet in Iowa and then head south through St. Louis and Memphis on their way to New Orleans for a high-stakes poker game. The movie co-stars Sienna Miller and Annaleigh Tipton, […]
Sep 6, 2015 | Poker/Vegas
In response to my column about poker players who mucked the winning hand because they weren’t paying attention, Stuart Snyder emails: In addition to protecting your cards and not mucking prematurely, even commenting out of turn can cost you. This happened on my last Las Vegas trip: I was under the gun with the queen […]
Sep 3, 2015 | Poker/Vegas
Players are responsible for their own hands. That’s a rule in every poker room in the world. If you don’t protect your cards and the dealer accidentally mucks them, it’s your fault. If you look at your cards in a manner that allows a neighboring player to see your cards, it’s your fault. If you […]
Sep 2, 2015 | Movies, Poker/Vegas
St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Joe Holleman has an item today about my cameo in an upcoming poker road movie, “Mississippi Grind”… STL radio host/poker power Paul Harris will have his mug on the big screen next month, when he has a cameo in “Mississippi Grind.” The movie opens Oct. 2, and stars Ryan Reynolds and […]