Leaving Iraq To Iraqis

Today on KTRS/St. Louis, I wanted to get some perspective from someone who served in this war on the US military handing over control of Iraq’s major cities to their own security forces today. So, once again, I called on Paul Reickhoff, who had his boots on the ground before coming home to form Iraq […]

Iran So Far Away

The best part of this story is the way Iranians are making sure that images of today’s government-created violence are making their way out to the rest of the world, via YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. While not as huge as the coverage would be if western journalists were still there to tell the story, the […]

Not So Open Government

Glenn Greenwald is outraged at the Obama administration’s not-so-open government policy regarding those detainee photos: The White House is actively supporting a new bill jointly sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman — called The Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act of 2009 — that literally has no purpose other than to allow the government […]

Who Served?

Gerald Seib has a piece in the Wall Street Journal bemoaning the diminishing number of military veterans in Congress.  He compares the numbers to those of 30 and 40 years ago — when you had a higher percentage of men in the Capitol, and they were likely to have served (and/or been drafted) during the […]


Aryn Baker joined me again today on WLS/Chicago. She’s the Time magazine correspondent who’s been writing about the advance of the Taliban in Pakistan. I asked her why the government was so impotent in fighting the Taliban, whether this is about fundamentalism or simply a power grab, and how the Taliban is taking over the […]

Schneier On Security

I have been impressed with the work of Bruce Schneier, a security expert who has taken on the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security, questioning their methods and the whole notion of protecting us from attack. Schneier joined me on my WLS/Chicago show yesterday to talk about whether we are in fact safer with […]