Your Tax Dollars At Work

Your Tax Dollars At Work

According to a story on, when US troops pull out of Afghanistan by the end of the year, they’ll have some 4,000 vehicles left over — trucks, Humvees, MRAPS, etc. Why don’t we give them to Afghanistan’s security forces? The Defense Logistics Agency says the Afghans wouldn’t be able to maintain them or handle […]

Bruce Dancis, Draft Resister

Bruce Dancis, Draft Resister

Bruce Dancis was one of the leaders of the Vietnam War draft resistance, and spent 19 months in federal prison for his actions. He joined me on America Weekend to talk about those anti-war years and his new book, “Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison During The Vietnam War.” We talked about the day […]

Foreign Policy Bites Again

The NY Times story on what really happened in the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last year won’t change the minds of any Obama-Hillary haters on the right, because they never let the facts get in the way of their blind rage. But the investigation by reporter David Kirkpatrick does more than […]

How To Deal With Iran

On Thursday, a couple dozen senators introduced legislation that would toughen sanctions against Iran, but the White House says it would be vetoed by the President, who wants to give time for an interim agreement between UN Security Council members and Iran to work. On my America Weekend show, I discussed the question of how […]

Iran and Nukes

This week, Congressman Duncan Hunter, an Iraq/Afghanistan veteran, made remarks calling for a US tactical nuclear strike on military targets in Iran. On my America Weekend show, I asked Laicie Heeley, Director of Middle East and Defense Policy at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, to discuss the impact of such an attack and […]

How Many Died In Iraq?

In the decade-long war in Iraq, we know how many members of the US military died — 4,486 — but the data on Iraqi civilians have always been vague. The generally accepted number has been around 100,000, but a new report says the actual death toll may be five times as large. On my America […]