Seven Random Thoughts

Seven Random Thoughts

Seven items off the top of my head today... On Friday, I took my daughter to the terrific "Destination: Moon" exhibit at the St. Louis Science Center and realized that most of the people around me were not alive when men first stepped onto the lunar surface. Then,...

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

Three quick items... I completely agree with Joe Adalian, TV reporter and Vulture editor, who tweeted: "That Andy Lack had no use for Ronan Farrow but spent tens of millions on Megyn Kelly is an indictment of both Lack's judgement and the generally misplaced...

Still Waiting For My Flying Car

Still Waiting For My Flying Car

I've been talking about the possibility of flying cars for a long time. My fascination with them started as a boy watching George Jetson going to work in one. I've dreamed of doing the same ever since. On this site, my earliest post on the subject dates to May 27,...

Shame On You, Stephen Colbert!

Shame On You, Stephen Colbert!

As I wrote Friday, I was outraged at Stephen Colbert -- for whom I'd had a lot of respect for both his comedic and critical thinking skills (Catholicism aside) -- for playing nice with Gwyneth Paltrow on his Thursday night "Late Show." Over the last few years, he's...

Best Thing I’ve Read Today

I was very disappointed to see Stephen Colbert sucking up to Gwyneth Paltrow last night on "The Late Show." She was in New York for her Goop health summit, just one part of her empire of pseudoscientific nonsense that sucks in far too many people who believe the...

Best Thing I’ve Read Today

On my Monday radio show, I praised Oprah Winfrey for her #MeToo speech at the Golden Globes, but tried to scuttle any thoughts of her running for president. My major objection to her has always been her embrace of nonsense and her enabling of people who advocate...

It’s A Good Start

The FDA announced last week that it will crack down on some homeopathic products. Note the word "some" in that sentence, when it should be "all." Homeopathy is nothing but a scam, with companies producing bogus health aids that do nothing but enrich those...

Mr. Perspective on Cellphone Radiation

Last week, CBS News reported, "the California Department of Public Health is releasing guidelines about cellphone radiation and how you can reduce your exposure." The story quoted Dr. Karen Smith: We recognize that there are a lot of people in the general public that...

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