Best Thing I’ve Read Today
Here’s an excerpt from a good piece by Rick Ellis, “Why Are We Still Listening To Anything Bill Maher Says?”
Anchor’s Away
There was a time when the departure of a network’s evening news anchor would be a major story unto itself. But the impending exit of Lester Holt from “NBC Nightly News” will barely cause a ripple. Here’s why.
Connie Chung
Reading Connie Chung’s autobiography brought back memories of when she was a frequent guest on my radio show. She still tells great stories, including a couple I share here.
Ask President Carter
Here’s a sketch from SNL circa 1997, parodying the real-life national radio shows Carter (Dan Aykroyd) did with CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite (Bill Murray), in which they took random phone calls from Americans.
About That Oscars Show
These were the highlights and lowlights of last night’s Oscars telecast, from Conan O’Brien as host to some odd choices made by the show’s producers — and the shout-outs to sex workers, of course.
I want to like this strange TV show, but its creators are testing my patience by following in the paths of “Twin Peaks” and “Lost.” Let me explain.
SNL 50 Music Montage
Here’s a remarkably edited montage of bands and musicians who have appeared on “SNL” during its half-century on the air. This will open the primetime special focused on that history tonight on NBC.
You Ask, I Answer
Several reader emails have been sitting in my inbox for a while, so I’m taking this opportunity to reply to them here.