No Longer Conflicted About Cosby

No Longer Conflicted About Cosby

For several years, I was conflicted about Bill Cosby. It started, of course, when women by the dozens began coming forward with stories about how he had drugged, sexually assaulted, and raped them. While the #MeToo movement has taken off since the claims against Harvey Weinstein and other powerful men, Cosby’s ugliness pre-dates much of […]

A Wolf Much Funnier Than Blitzer

A Wolf Much Funnier Than Blitzer

I just caught up with comedian Michelle Wolf’s HBO special, “Nice Lady.” I wasn’t familiar with her before — not being a regular viewer of “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” — but she had me laughing out loud several times. She’s going to be the entertainment at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner this […]

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

Using our voices instead of our fingers to get information from search providers and elsewhere is becoming more and more common. I recently bought an Amazon Alexa and am amazed at how good it is at voice recognition. I rarely have to repeat myself, and the response is nearly instantaneous. Google’s voice search is also […]

Rain Pryor Talks About Richard Pryor

Rain Pryor Talks About Richard Pryor

Comedy legend Richard Pryor would be 77 years old today. Here’s a conversation I had several years ago with his daughter, Rain Pryor, when she published her book about him, “Jokes My Father Never Taught Me.” We discussed the N-word controversy that’s still humming after the Michael Richards incident and the reaction of some black […]

The Al Franken Harassment Story

The Al Franken Harassment Story

I’ll admit that I was quite surprised to see Al Franken’s name appear on the list of men charged with sexual assault — not because I know him, but because he never seemed to be that kind of guy. Shows you what a judge of character I am. I only know Leeann Tweeden from seeing […]