Quick Question

Regarding the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq, can anyone explain to me the distinction between a “timeline,” a “timetable,” and a “time horizon”?

Waterboarding Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens once claimed that waterboarding isn’t torture. Then he was challenged to try it himself, and came to a completely different conclusion. There’s video of the demonstration he endured at the hands of some military professionals, and Hitchens writes about the experience in a Vanity Fair piece entitled “Believe Me, It’s Torture.” Here’s an […]

Tim Russert

Tim Russert

I had the chance to talk with Tim Russert many times over the years, so in his memory, I dug up one of my favorite conversations with him from my archives. This is from May, 2004, shortly after an incident on “Meet The Press” where a segment he was doing with Colin Powell was interrupted […]

War Zone At Home

Tens of thousands of our soldiers are returning home from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. So, how does the military treat them? According to the Washington Post, many who are housed at Fort Benning, Georgia, are put up in barracks that are about 200 yards away from the main infantry […]

Tim Weiner on CIA Failures

Tim Weiner on CIA Failures

On KIRO/Seattle yesterday, I talked with Tim Weiner, author of “Legacy of Ashes: The History of The CIA.” Weiner is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who spent 20 years sifting through CIA archives and talking with 10 CIA directors and hundreds of agents to document how the agency’s failures have “profoundly jeopardized our national security.” In […]

Crisis In The Night

Interesting piece in the Washington Post about those “3am phone call” commercials the Clinton campaign ran a few weeks ago. According to presidential historians and former White House advisers, the president probably wouldn’t be awakened to deal with whatever crisis was occurring, because you wouldn’t want the commander-in-chief to make snap decisions while bleary-eyed. Woodrow […]