POTD: Jake Tapper Gets It
The Picture Of The Day is Jake Tapper explaining where we are with coronavirus and who’s to blame.
POTD: Wag The Virus
Picture Of The Day: The last thing Trump wanted was for COVID-19 to continue getting a lot of attention. His contracting the disease obliterated that. But I bet there’s a White House staffer studying this movie and making secret plans.
More Points About Trump & COVID
Here’s what will happen if Trump doesn’t get seriously ill after contracting COVID-19 — and other thoughts on the subject.
A Trumpster Fire Debate
My thoughts on the first presidential debate, including the chaos created by the Liar-In-Chief, but some great lines by Biden. Will it change anything? Here’s why I doubt it.
POTD: There’s A Horse In The Hospital
Picture Of The Day: every word of this John Mulaney bit from last year was true then, and is even more true after last night’s debate.
The Trump Tax Story
My reaction to the explosive NY Times investigation into Donald Trump’s tax returns, which show how little he’s paid in income tax, how badly his businesses are doing, and how his debts make him a national security risk no one should want in high office.
POTD: Better Know A Ballot
Picture Of The Day: If you live in Missouri and aren’t sure when, where, and how to vote — in person, by mail, or absentee — Stephen Colbert has the accurate information (no, really!) in this short video.
As I Tweeted
If you’re wondering what that loud creaking noise was that you heard about an hour ago, it was Mitch McConnell getting his first erection in years.