Best Thing I’ve Read Today
I absolutely love this Slate parody of the anonymous op-ed in the NY Times from a senior administration official at the White House. In this version, a member of a group that's in the middle of robbing a bank portrays himself as a hero for turning on the gang's leader...
Worth A Link
I love this Kara Swisher piece about Trump's ludicrous attacks on Big Tech, and not just because it taught me a new word (codswallop!), but because of this: “Here’s the truest conundrum of the social media age: Those who complain loudest about being silenced never...
Best Thing I’ve Read Today
Stacy Brick wrote an open letter to President Trump about his constant attacks on journalists like her husband, Mike Brick, a lifelong newspaper man who died of cancer two years ago at 41: It is gut-wrenching and physically painful to hear you call journalists “the...
Worth A Link
These stories came across my desktop this week, and I had to share them with you... If you’re a Catholic who ever put any money into the collection plate at church, do you want it back after the new allegations of over 1,000 more victims of pedophile priests?...
Mr. Perspective Strikes Again
At The Daily Beast, Sam Stein writes about a new Ipsos poll: 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When...
Way More Than Two Wrongs
The latest argument from Trump acolytes is, "So what if Russia interfered in our presidential election? The US has done the same thing in lots of other countries." Yes, that's true, and there are many examples: In the early 1970s, Nixon's administration helped Augusto...
The United States vs. Breastfeeding
Your government has come out in opposition to breast-feeding. From the NY Times: A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United...
Best Thing I’ve Read Today
Amanda Marcotte on why progressives freaking out about the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy are forgetting all the horrible decisions he made in his 30 years on the court: Liberals are so late to the game that we are now panicking about the barn...